Steering Committee
Better Ballot Sacramento is led by a volunteer committee of community leaders with experience in Sacramento politics and a desire to strengthen our local democracy by adopting Ranked Choice Voting.

Paula Lee
President, League of Women Voters of Sacramento County

Jose Navarro
President, Sacramento Latino Democratic Club

Silvia Rodriguez
President-Elect, Hornets Policy & Politics Alumni

Josh Rosa
Former Sacramento Housing Commissioner

Maya Wallace
City of Sacramento Planning Commissioner

Steve Cohn
Former Sacramento City Councilmember

Mario Guerrero
President, Sacramento Stonewall Democratic Club
Growing Coalition

KCRA 3: “Organizations push for ranked-choice voting in Sacramento”
Capital Public Radio: “Bringing Ranked-Choice-Voting to Sacramento” (scroll down for 2nd segment)
Sacramento News & Review: “Let’s Talk About Improving Sacramento’s Election System”
YouTube: “Organizations push for ranked-choice voting in Sacramento”
Capitol Weekly: “A Look at Ranked Choice Voting”
We recently convened an in-depth conversation with Professor of Mathematics Ismar Volic of Wellesley College and Research Director Deb Otis of FairVote, including panel discussion and Q&A with attendees. You can watch the recording, below.
Our conversation compares Ranked Choice Voting with other election methods, examines the effects of Ranked Choice Voting in the communities that use it, and identifies how Ranked Choice Voting would solve the defects that are created by Sacramento’s current election method. Check it out and let us know what you think: