County of Sacramento
The current electoral system has been bad for representation, equity, and governance for the City of Sacramento. In some ways, these problems are even worse in the County of Sacramento.
Voter turnout in the Primary Election is usually very low and not representative of the community.
But elections for County officials are decided by the Primary voters, not the General Election voters, nearly 90% of the time!
FROM 1998 THROUGH 2024
This Ranked Choice Voting would solve this problem of electing County representatives in low turnout primaries.
Instead, candidates for Supervisor, Sheriff, and District Attorney etc. would be elected with a majority in the General Election, where more people vote.
One election – no expensive negative runoffs.
Ranked Choice Voting is more representative of the voters, saves money for candidates, reduces wasted votes, provides winners with a real mandate, promotes civil campaigning, eliminates vote-splitting and “spoilers”!
Data show it!